1st August 2014
10th May 2012
22nd January 2009
18th December 2006
02nd November 2006
29th April 2005
- My colleague Raoul Plettke< and I are going to give
another lecture about raytracing in games at University Erlangen next week.
Date: Tuesday, 3rd May 2005
Time: 12.10 - ...
Location: University Erlangen, Cauerstraße 7, Hörsaal H5
21th October 2004
- Please have a look at this paper:
Ray Tracing For Current And Future Games
Jörg Schmittler, Daniel Pohl, Tim Dahmen, Christian Vogelgesang, and Philipp Slusallek
Published at "34. Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Informatik 2004"
10th July 2004
- a lecture in german about this project will be given on Friday, 16th July 2004 at University Erlangen (near Nürnberg) by me. Contact me
if you want to join listening.
19th May 2004
- official Q3RT page online